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With this enhancement, the fapolicyd framework now provides its own SELinux security policy. The daemon is confined under the fapolicyd_t domain and the policy is installed through the fapolicyd-selinux subpackage.
Install Windows Longhorn On Virtualbox Portable Linux
With this enhancement, the USBGuard framework now provides its own SELinux security policy. The daemon is confined under the usbguard_t domain and the policy is installed through the usbguard-selinux subpackage.
The libselinux-python package contains only Python 2 bindings for developing SELinux applications and it is used for backward compatibility. For this reason, libselinux-python is no longer available in the default RHEL 8 repositories through the dnf install libselinux-python command.
Removing the rpm-plugin-selinux package disables SELinux on the machine. It also removes all selinux-policy packages from the system. Repeated installation of the rpm-plugin-selinux package then installs the selinux-policy-minimum SELinux policy, even if the selinux-policy-targeted policy was previously present on the system. However, the repeated installation does not update the SELinux configuration file to account for the change in policy. As a consequence, SELinux is disabled even upon reinstallation of the rpm-plugin-selinux package.